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Harbert Oil Red Barn
Harbert Oil Red Barn, Bieber, California

Harbert Oil Redbarn

  • Site Assessment

  • Well Installations

  • Remedial Design

  • Installation and Maintenance of Remedial Equipment

  • Subsurface Trenching for Conveyance Piping

  • Compliance Sampling

  • Groundwater Monitoring, Sampling, and Reporting

Stratus is currently providing environmental consulting and engineering services on behalf of a property owner and operator of a service station located in Bieber, CA. Our services include: groundwater monitoring, sampling, and reporting; assessing the extent of an underground fuel release by drilling and installing groundwater monitoring wells; designing a remedial approach for the site (soil vapor extraction and groundwater pump and treat); and installing and operating remediation equipment. 

The site consists of a retail market building, three underground storage tanks containing gasoline and diesel, four fuel dispenser islands and associated piping, and one (formerly used) 12,000-gallon above ground storage tank.  The facility occupies an area of approximately 0.6 acres. Soil and groundwater at this property are contaminated with petroleum hydrocarbons. Soil beneath the site and site vicinity consists predominately of interbedded fine-grained materials (clay and silt) with thin coarser-grained materials (sand) to a depth of approximately 58 feet below ground surface (maximum depth explored).

Groundwater is used as a source of potable water at this service station and by residents living nearby. The California Regional Water Quality Control Board in Redding oversees the assessment and remediation of contamination at this property.

After investigating the extent of contamination and evaluating geologic conditions in the area, Stratus developed a cleanup approach that involved soil vapor extraction and groundwater extraction and treatment. The remedial approach was used to mitigate the impact to the vadose zone and the groundwater. Remediation is still ongoing and we believe that our efforts will result in closure of the environmental case at this site. Stratus has also assisted the property owner in submitting reimbursement requests in order to utilize the California Underground Storage Tank Cleanup Fund to support remedial efforts.

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