Environmental Site Assessment (Phase I)
Environmental Site Assessment (Phase I)
Environmental Site Assessment (Phase I)
Environmental Site Assessment (Phase I)
Environmental Site Assessment (Phase I)
Construction Management & Field Services
Construction Management & Field Services
Construction Management & Field Services
Construction Management & Field Services
Dry Cleaning & Chlorinated Solvent Site Support
Chlorinated solvents are industrial chemicals that are commonly used in both the commercial and military sectors. In the 1930’s the chlorinated solvent tetrachloroethene (PCE) was introduced to the dry-cleaning industry. While this solvent has many practical applications, its accidental release into the subsurface is problematic and persistent. Today, chlorinated solvents are one of the most common contaminants encountered in the environmental industry.
In order to address this issue in California, the State Water Board created the Site Cleanup Subaccount Program (SCAP) to facilitate grant funding to individual owners with chlorinated solvent impacted sites. Stratus understands that the first step in addressing an environmental liability is funding. Our staff is well versed on the requirements of the SCAP grant program and have been instrumental in securing funds for many of our clients.
In addition to grant funding support, Stratus has comprehensive experience providing management and environmental services to chlorinated solvent impacted sites to ensure the project meets all regulatory requirements and the environmental liability has been reduced or eliminated.