Environmental Site Assessment (Phase I)
Environmental Site Assessment (Phase I)
Environmental Site Assessment (Phase I)
Environmental Site Assessment (Phase I)
Environmental Site Assessment (Phase I)
Construction Management & Field Services
Construction Management & Field Services
Construction Management & Field Services
Construction Management & Field Services
San Joaquin Regional Transit District

San Joaquin Regional Transit District
Phase I Environmental Site Assessment
Phase II Site Investigation
Union Street Properties, Stockton, California
The San Joaquin Regional Transit District (SJRTD) conducted property transactions with private landowners to acquire ownership of two parcels from a private landowner for development of a bus transfer station and electric bus charging station. The only development present on the properties at the time of the Phase I Environmental Site Assessments was a railroad spur at the western property boundary. Stratus prepared assessments for each property to facilitate the property transactions. The Phase I ESAs were completed using the methods described in the ASTM 1527-13 Standard Practice.
Information developed during the preparation of the Phase I ESAs indicated the potential for impacts to soil (petroleum hydrocarbons and heavy metals) from operation of the railroad spur on the property. The SJRTD determined that Phase II soil sampling and laboratory analysis was appropriate prior conclusion of the property transfer. Stratus conducted soil sampling and laboratory analysis for identified constituents of concern and presented the results in a site assessment report. The laboratory analysis results indicated that arsenic and lead concentrations detected in the samples were higher than agency listed screening levels; however, Stratus concluded that the magnitudes of the detected concentrations did not constitute a threat to human health or the environment, and that as long as no development was conducted in the track area, or the underlying soils were not disturbed, no regulatory action was likely to be initiated.