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Former Dry Cleaning Site

Private Client

  • Excavation/Disposal of Impacted Soil

  • Designed/Installed Depressurization System

  • Identified/Removed/Disposed of Asbestos Containing Material

  • UST Removal

  • Well Destructions

Former Dry Cleaning Site, Placerville, California

Dry cleaning businesses have operated at the site from the 1960’s through the 1990’s.  Sampling and chemical analysis of soil, soil gas, groundwater and surface water, revealed the presence of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), primarily PCE and its breakdown products in the sampled media.  A Corrective Action Plan prepared to remediate the identified contamination included excavation of VOC impacted soil, installation of an extensive ozone groundwater treatment system, and installation of additional groundwater monitoring wells. 

In accordance with the CAP, Stratus personnel implemented the soil excavation component and removed and disposed of approximately 150 cubic yards of PCE impacted soil and weathered rock from within the building and from an area immediately outside the facility’s back door.  Following the cleanup actions, Stratus personnel designed and installed a sub-slab depressurization system to protect future occupants from potential vapor intrusion to indoor air from residual contamination within the underlying fractured bedrock.


Stratus personnel also identified asbestos containing materials inside the structure that were appropriately monitored, removed, and disposed.  A vertical shaft identified as an abandoned hand-dug well, and an unreported abandoned 500-gallon diesel underground storage tank (UST) located in the site parking lot, were also discovered.  Stratus personnel worked with the client and the Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) to close the former well, and to remove the UST and diesel contaminated soil and weathered rock surrounding the UST.

Stratus personnel recommended modifying the original CAP to eliminate both the ozone treatment system and additional groundwater monitoring wells.  The RWQCB concurred, and a savings of approximately $200,000 was realized by the client.  Stratus personnel submitted a Rationale for Considering No Further Action for Chlorinated Volatile Organic Compounds in Groundwater and was successful in eliminating groundwater monitoring (destroying all groundwater monitoring wells), resulting in an annual cost savings of $25,000. 

Stratus recently installed and sampled 3 soil gas probes inside the leased spaces in accordance with the California Department of Toxic Substances Control’s guidance documents.  

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