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Lumber Company

Private Client

  • Geotechnical Monitoring

  • Construction Quality Assurance

  • Land Survey Monitoring

  • Observation and Testing

Lumber Company (Ash Disposal Area), Amador County, California

Stratus personnel were responsible for the Construction Quality Assurance (CQA) for an Ash Disposal Area, which consisted of geotechnical monitoring, land survey monitoring, and observation and testing of a 5.5-acre disposal area. Stratus personnel provided construction oversight and documentation for the preparation of the subgrade, installation of a textured 50-mil LLDPE Super Gripnet membrane, and 10-ounce non-woven geotextile fabric. In addition, Stratus personnel observed and documented the placement of a 1-foot thick vegetative cover on the side slopes, construction of surface water features, and the placement of 12-inches of base-rock followed by 3-inches of asphalt on the top cap. Additional duties included preparing and certifying (preparing the Closure Certification Report) that the landfill was closed in accordance with the approved CQA Plan specifications and applicable codes. 

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