Environmental Site Assessment (Phase I)
Environmental Site Assessment (Phase I)
Environmental Site Assessment (Phase I)
Environmental Site Assessment (Phase I)
Environmental Site Assessment (Phase I)
Construction Management & Field Services
Construction Management & Field Services
Construction Management & Field Services
Construction Management & Field Services
Tesoro Refining and Marketing
Tesoro Refining and Marketing
Project Oversight
Attendance at LARWQCB Meetings
Environmental Consulting
Compliance with Regulatory Agency Directives Assistance
Assisting with Project Funding
Quarterly Groundwater Sampling
Quarterly Monitoring Reports
Colton Bulk Fuel Terminal, Colton, California
In 2006, Stratus was retained by ARCO/BP to perform site assessment and remediation services at their bulk fuel terminal in Colton, California. The ARCO/BP site encompasses four acres within a larger 74 acre terminal. Regionally, the site lies amongst other bulk terminals that are part of the larger Kinder Morgan Energy Partners (KMEP) facility also with soil and groundwater impacts commingled with the ARCO/BP impacts.
Historically a cleanup and abatement order issued to KMEP and ARCO/BP identified 19 release sites in the vicinity of a specific 500-gallon pump back tank within the ARCO/BP terminal. A network of groundwater monitoring wells were installed in the shallow aquifer (approximately 100 feet bgs) and also in the regional aquifer (165 feet bgs) using a combination of both hollow-stem auger and air percussion hammer drill rig methods.
Stratus’ site assessment activities identified diesel, gasoline, and fuel oxygenate impacts to soil and groundwater beneath the ARCO/BP site. Additionally, a network of soil vapor extraction wells was installed in the vicinity of the pump back tank and a soil vapor extraction system was designed, installed, and operated to address soil impacts. In 2007, Stratus completed a confirmation soil boring assessment and soil vapor extraction rebound testing and confirmed that soils within the vicinity of the pump back tank were sufficiently remediated. Soil closure was initiated and subsequently granted by the County of San Bernardino. Groundwater monitoring continued due to the possible commingled status.
In 2010, the Santa Ana Regional Water Quality Control Board issued a directive to the adjacent responsible parties to coordinate groundwater monitoring and sampling activities. The groundwater flow direction and the distribution of dissolved-phase hydrocarbon and fuel oxygenates in the shallow and regional aquifers indicated off site migration of these contaminants to the ARCO/BP terminal. Stratus continues to monitor the network of wells and report the data on a quarterly basis as part of the regional plume beneath the KMEP facility.