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City of Jackson

City of Jackson

  • Initial Site Assessment

  • Preliminary Site Investigation

  • Collecting Sediment and Mine Tailings Sand

French Bar Road Bridge Replacement, Jackson, California

Stratus personnel have provided environmental consulting services to the City of Jackson since 2007 and were retained by the City to conduct an Initial Site Assessment (ISA) for the property within the Area of Potential Effects for the French Bar Bridge over the South Fork of Jackson Creek replacement project. The purpose of the ISA was to identify, to the extent feasible pursuant to the processes described (within the ASTM Standard E 1527-13), recognized environmental conditions in connection with the Property.


Stratus personnel prepared an ISA addressing potential recognized environmental conditions at the Property and completed a Preliminary Site Investigation (PSI) which included collecting sediment and mine tailing sands within the south fork of Jackson Creek. Conclusions from the ISA indicated that there were no apparent historical or current recognized environmental conditions pursuant to the intent of ASTM Standard E 1527-13. However, based on our evaluation, environmental concerns related to historic upstream mine milling operations and potential for lead-based paint and asbestos material on the bridge were identified and a PSI was recommended.

Based on the results of the soil/sediment sample analyses conducted during the PSI, the metals concentrations detected in the samples collected from the planned disturbance area of stream bank deposits did not indicate an impact to the project from hazardous levels of the analyzed metals. No remedial or special construction related measures were recommended for excavation or disposition of the stream bank sediment.

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